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Classification and Entity Extraction Evaluators

Agenta offers several evaluators to assess model performance in classification and entity extraction tasks.

Exact Match

The Exact Match evaluator determines if the model's output precisely matches the expected answer.

How It Works

This evaluator compares the generated output with the correct answer stored in the test set. It returns a boolean value: true for an exact match, and false otherwise.


correct_answer_keyStringThe column name in the test set containing the correct answer

Contains JSON

The Contains JSON evaluator checks if the model's output contains a valid JSON structure.

How It Works

This evaluator attempts to parse the output as JSON. It returns true if a valid JSON structure is found within the output, and false otherwise.

JSON Field Match

The JSON Field Match evaluator compares specific fields within JSON data.

How It Works

This evaluator attempts to parse the output as JSON and extract a specified field. It then compares this field value to the correct answer. The evaluator returns true if the field value matches the correct answer, and false otherwise. Note that the value in the correct_answer column should be a string, not JSON.


json_fieldStringThe name of the field in the JSON output to evaluate
correct_answer_keyStringThe column name in the test set containing the correct answer

JSON Diff Match

How It Works

This evaluator compares the output JSON with the correct answer JSON. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process:

  1. JSON Flattening: Both the output and correct answer JSONs are flattened into single-level dictionaries.

    For example, a JSON like:

    "name": "John",
    "address": {
    "city": "New York",
    "zip": "10001"
    "hobbies": ["reading", "swimming"]

    Would be flattened to:

    "name": "John",
    "": "New York",
    "": "10001",
    "hobbies.0": "reading",
    "hobbies.1": "swimming"
  2. Comparison: The evaluator compares these flattened structures, checking each key-value pair while considering configuration options (like case sensitivity and schema-only comparison).

  3. Scoring: For each matching key-value pair, a score of 1 is assigned. The final score is the average of all comparisons, resulting in a value between 0 and 1.


compare_schema_onlyBooleanIf true, only compares key names and types, ignoring values
predict_keysBooleanIf true, only considers keys present in the ground truth
case_insensitive_keysBooleanIf true, treats keys as case-insensitive
correct_answer_keyStringThe column name in the test set containing the correct answer JSON