This guide helps you install Agenta on your local machine. If you’re looking to set it up on a server for multiple users, head over to this guide.

Installing Agenta locally

To install Agenta, you need first to install the python package containing both the SDK and the CLI. Then, you need to install the web platform.


You’ll need Docker installed on your machine. If you don’t have it yet, download and install it from here.

Installing the SDK and CLI

Use pip to install the SDK and CLI easily:

pip install agenta
Please see contributing for more information on how to install the SDK and CLI in developement mode.
Agenta is under continuous developement, don’t forget to always upgrade to the latest version of agenta using pip install -U agenta.

Setting Up the Web Platform

1. Clone the Repository and Navigate to the Folder

git clone
cd agenta

2. Launch the Agenta Server

docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build

3. Verify the Installation

Open your browser and go to http://localhost. If you see the Agenta web interface, you’re good to go.

Common issue: port conflicts. Make sure ports 80 and 3000 are not being used by other applications when you run Docker Compose. To free up resources, you can run docker system prune.

What’s next?

You’re all set to start using Agenta!

Well Done!

Click here to build your first LLM app in just 1 minute.

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