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Applying Schema Migration

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for applying schema migration to upgrade your Agenta deployment.

Applying the Migration

To apply schema migrations, first determine the name of the API container (e.g. agenta-oss-gh-api-1) then run the following command:

docker exec -e PYTHONPATH=/app -w /app/oss/databases/postgres/migrations <api-container-name> alembic -c alembic.oss.ini upgrade head


  • docker exec: Runs the command in an existing container.
  • -e PYTHONPATH=/app: Export the /app directory to the python path.
  • -w /app/oss/databases/postgres/migrations: Sets the working directory inside the container to the migrations directory.
  • <api-container-name>: The name of the Docker container running the backend.
  • alembic -c alembic.oss.ini upgrade head: Applies all new migrations up to the latest available version (head), using Alembic configuration file alembic.oss.ini.

This ensures that Alembic correctly identifies the migration scripts and settings located in the migrations directory of your backend container.

Post Migration

After completing the migration, ensure you check the data integrity in PostgreSQL by accessing Agenta on the web and verifying that your data is intact and everything works fine.

In the event that you encounter issues and need to revert the schema migration, you can revert by running alembic -c alembic.oss.ini downgrade head. Afterwards, create a GitHub issue describing the problem you encountered.

Automatic Migration Configuration


Use automatic migrations cautiously in production environments. Always verify your migrations thoroughly on staging or development environments before deployment to live systems.

You may prefer automatic migrations as part of your container's startup process rather than manually running migrations each time. Agenta provides a configuration option specifically for automated migrations.

To enable automatic migrations, set the environment variable AGENTA_AUTO_MIGRATION to true within the environment file used in your docker-compose.yml file.

Upon enabling this setting, the Agenta backend container applies destination schema migrations automatically during container startup, eliminating manual execution steps.


Regularly backup your PostgreSQL database before performing schema migrations, particularly on production databases.